Coaches Debrecen, Ungaria ➞ Cluj Napoca, Romania
No race was found on this route. You can find out information from the bus stations in Debrecen or Cluj Napoca.
Other direct flights nearby
Other destinations from Debrecen
Debrecen - Turda CJ
Debrecen - Câmpia Turzii
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Debrecen - Luduș
Debrecen - Iernut
Debrecen - Târnăveni
Debrecen - Mediaș
Debrecen - Aleșd
Debrecen - Sighișoara
Debrecen - Oradea
Debrecen - Brașov
Debrecen - Comănești
All departures from Debrecen
Other starting points to Cluj Napoca
Hajdúszoboszló - Cluj Napoca
Valea lui Mihai - Cluj Napoca
Curtuiușeni - Cluj Napoca
Roșiori - Cluj Napoca
Diosig - Cluj Napoca
Borș - Cluj Napoca
Săcuieni - Cluj Napoca
Târgușor - Cluj Napoca
Pișcolt - Cluj Napoca
Püspökladány - Cluj Napoca
Salonta - Cluj Napoca
Oradea - Cluj Napoca
All arrivals to Cluj Napoca
Rental coaches in Cluj Napoca