Coaches Orhei, Rep. Moldova ➞ Aeroport Otopeni, Romania

We found only indirect routes. Select connection location to see all races:

Via Min. time Min. distance Min. price Change in the same station Travel By
Husi, VS 11h 30min ? 268 lei Yes +
Tisita 12h 00min ? 228 lei No +
Barlad 12h 30min ? 288 lei No +
Tecuci, GL 12h 30min ? 278 lei No +
Adjud 13h 00min ? 238 lei No +
Brasov 13h 50min ? 268 lei Yes +
Onesti 14h 30min ? 298 lei No +
Fagaras 16h 20min ? 338 lei No +